Three dreams in blood
First dream
Falling asleep I fall down beneath
To a door that is made of beating flesh
A long corridor
A lot of doors
Each door keeps keys
And denies keeping them
All are left ajar
With a hanging key in the hole
Through the slice of light at the door
I saw the little girl screaming
And all the doors got locked
Keyholes said it was the wind
Keys complained the lock
But the girl was bleeding to death
What was the wind?
What was the fault with the lock?
And I woke with a swollen eye…!
My second dream
Sea was spurning at my feet
As the waves dug the sands in anger
That made me jerk and weak
I spat blood
Not of the seas effort
But of the loves hatred
With dripping red lip
I loomed the crimson horizon
She was rowing hard
In the wave less sea then
Her hairs flew without a breeze
Eyes glowed red
And I sat with the stunned sea
My third dream
The execution
In the barren island I sung
Songs of death and love
Then from the dark forest
A snow-white doe came out bleeding
I stopped singing
But it bled again
In the silence and pain it died
And the sky convicted me!
When a rainbow loop was set on my neck
The earth leapt down from my foots
In that in between
Struggling for breath
I sung the rest
A song that ended with a death…
what i felt...what i thought...despite all the pretending and concealment...i thought i should write a part of true me some where! may be these are idiotic ,i am not presenting me as an intellectual...i just wanna say ,,,this is also me!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
the tree
The tree
Cloaking her enigmatic face
Filled with green emotions,
In a crowd of clouds and gods
The tree stayed in the peak alone
Piercing her toes
In the stone chest of mountain
She ruled him
Like a bold wife
She ruled the wind
With her leaves and wood
She ruled the mistletoes
With her love and cold
Rain and light admired her
Rhythm of breeze succumbed to her
She aged a thousand year
But her veins were still hot there
In the full moon night
Tossing the hard cold mist
And breaking the sharp rock curves
The bald man came
With a divine smile
And luring song
He caressed her waist
And with a passionate kiss
Stretched at her legs
Chanting some more melancholic songs
He leaped in to ponder a dream
Shivering off the mist and dews
She loomed at the sleeping saint
“The prophesy “
She whispered
With a pricking pain and vibe
She made her maiden bloom
Before her eyes could drop
Her tears down for once
The single lone blossom
Became a fruit that glows red
Together with the tears
Fallen down to the palm beneath
The night stopped scaring so suddenly
And the time was made unknown
Woke and walking the saint descended
Down he went with the crimson life
The tree started yellowing leaves
With a wind that went away forever
All her palms fall down evermore
And the mountain began to fume aloud
Squalling hard in the pain so dour
Dusting off the ash and leaves
Down at the mountain foot in a haste
The saint was walking fast
No one glimpsed his eyes for once
To tell me the fate of tree
Wind, stones, the dragonflies
The valley had all them blind…
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Twisted metal bones
Wounded wooden flesh
No blood…
But bloody visions
And above
Covers the glass
Smooth stained skin
Deep and opaque
Like the smiles.
Distilled sighs draws
Pictures of many in the glass
Deep inside the thoughts
Soul performs the purgatorial scenes.
She was outside
Calling out my name in vain
She knew I wont open
And I knew she wont stop
Between the thoughts and morns
In the chest of pain and composure
There was the rain
Callous, cold and hard
I did not saw, her tears,
Dissolved in raindrops
She did not saw mine too
For the glass was deep and wet
Like the meaningless words I roared,,,,
snow white

DêInbSÀìhoW I®pþ
\oÀ¯pÅnsbÃm apdªpþ
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]ScmsXbpw Imçw Rm³
Fsâ izmkw \neípthmfw
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At¶mfw\ns¶ Rm³ kq£næw....
Saturday, October 30, 2010
kanchavu soman
I©mhv tkma³
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Cêhncepw sXê¸nSn¸n¨pw
angobS¨pm au\¯n apJan«vpc¨pw
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Igpac¯ns\´p kuµcyvw???
hnd]SÀs³ I¿n hnds¨mcm ISemÊnÂ
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"" IgpacsamcgIqinåv]w
Imªnc¨mtdmê a[p]m\ kzÀKw''
CXp shdqw I©mhv
tkmasâ kncIfo ëcbpì I©mhv
tkmasâ hm¡n³ hnbÀ¸v¸nepw I©mhv
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Iodnb ]pkvXI¯mfpIÄ t\m¡sh
Rmëw shdptX¨ncn¨p
AÚXbpsS shdpw Nncn
Adnbm¯hsâ ]pÑNncn.
hnizkmln¯yhpw I©mhpw
GXmWo tkmasâ elcn??
hmb Xpdì Nncn¨qw
hvymJym\ s¸êag¯pÅnIÄ \\ªqm
\ngensâ XWq¸nepw Rm³ hnbÀ¯p!
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Hê bm{XbpsS h\yamw hgnIÄ
bm{Xbnse Imgv¨¯pSn¸n ægn¨n«
Igpac¯n³ hfhpw Icnwþ
Imªnc¯nsâ êNnbpw ]dªv
tkmas\s¶ hnbÀ¸n¨q ho qw!
""AÞIhN k{Zviyamao
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\nXyambn I©mhphen¡v
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]gInbtbmÀ½Ä ]p\chXcn¸nt¡
AdnbmsX sRcnªm ISemkp IjWw
tkmam \n\s¡sâ hµ\w.
Friday, June 4, 2010
what or when,
what or when,
Time was sleeping then
And my conscious was unconscious…
Then came those footsteps,
In my corridor I heard them
For years I was hanging in my web
In the corridor of solitude
Wet and wounded in rain and weaving again
I wove that web to catch gleeful thoughts
And I was so unlucky I reckon
Then in the night of last moon
Then came the footsteps
But they were so fast
Before my blurred eyes blinked
Before I am completely woke from my sleep
They were gone…
I heard the wind laughing…
“You are a man of quick dear…”
Life of a spider is so.
So is mine.
But still I am thinking the footsteps.
Am I alone….???
Saturday, May 22, 2010
obsessions and realizations....
Look at me dear...
Am also a vine plant now...
Look at my leaves
Swings on my hair tops
Look at my buds
Creeps out of my nose
Look at these red grapes
Which is blown out of my heart.
For a thousand years
I waited you at this shore
Whenever I saw you pass
In different incarnations I think,
All you chanted was more waiting
And so did I
I don’t know when,
Did this vine plant start creeping towards me!
She whispered in my ears
When ever I wept
She whispered me whenever I slept
that she loves me more...
that she loves me more...
That she deserved me for sure.
Each time she smiled
I felt fumes in my eyes.
When she longed her tentacles
I couldn’t resist....
Then there was rain...
So beautiful and very cold
Her embraces were warm,
Like her words...
When that that rain died,
After another thousand years
I was made a vine plant...
And now I can see you smiling...
And I realize that you were smiling...
All these years...
With all my love songs...
Realizations requires a perception
That is far beyond ones obsession...
I was in the lime light
Yet they failed to find me
The search is for me...
For I have frisked my soul already!
They prohibited explanations...
The King insists to conceal
Yet I explained
Revelations I made...
They proclaimed my intentions
But the people declined to believe!!
I did my preach
And they did their skirmish.
I did not ran each time
When the swords made sound
When the leather squeaked of friction...
When the horses squalled in pain and glory
I was made invisible..!
They could not believe in my ordinariness
They were afraid of my magic
But I agonized for never having them!!!
And they whispered stories about my glaring eyes
They felt my melodious voice so dark and deep!!
So their minds refused to see my silhouette...
And I became the divine...!
“Comedy in life brings agony sometimes....”
I didn’t know...
Whether I am blind or not...
I began gazing very long
But could not see anything
He says it is there...!
But I insist as it is an illusion
He loves opium...!
I love him when he plunges in opium!
He signs in when the fumes burst out...
And he sings well when I broke out...
I love him more than my thoughts!
He is the blend I would like to drink
He is the place where I would wander around
The moon says it is bad
To sing the laments in night
But I reckon he is good,
Like the colitas ash in a glass of wine.
Destiny lies in him
And my destiny is wicked I think...
Come on...
He invites again...
Look at the mirror
Look at you...
You are dead...
Only your dirty exhale says you are alive
Your crap and hair
The tears and lids
Your eyes and sound
Only, these says you are alive
Never your heart...
Never has it said you are...
You are dead...
He adds...
Colitas made me cough...
But I stood erect
I am no zombie...!
Not a dead heart......!
I am the heart who seeks!
But always fails to see...
I am the mind that expects!
But always wrong to accept...
He smiled...
Are you blind???
Am I blind??
Can I see those hearts...?
Can I see them well?
Striving hard to glimpse me well
No..!.I am blind....
I see no love...
I could only see this world...
Not its fiery heart....
Am blind...
Monday, March 15, 2010
the Egyptian
Is he Lucifer?
Son of the god?
Satan of earth?
Demon from the heavens?
They began enquiring...
They were terribly afraid...
Because humans fears anything from the heavens
Let it be the almighty
Or his estranged son...
And yet they beseech to be there.
They dream the blissfulness out there!!
All was his advertisement...
That frightened the sheep of the god
He was an Egyptian.
Who wore ragged cloths...
Who read too much papyrus
Who with his red brush scribed those words in the town
“Subscribe to death...
Uncloak your real life...
End your prolonged sleep...
Embrace the light...”
People were tempestuous.
In the name of god
They confounded him to hell
He is definitely a demon of Satan
They snatched stones from the road
And shrouded crosses in their pockets
“God help us’
Chants fumed the crowd
Sighs scorched their thoughts
At his doors, they roared with all courage
Silence was the reply
Nobody moved except a wind...
It opened the red door with might
Fear was visible in the faces of people...
The Egyptian was there!
Like the demons they knew from tales
He too endured in the air
His feet couldn’t touch the floor
His pupils were concealed under lids
Sheep of god scattered seeing him
He was a real demon
But he moved not
A gentle breeze like god’s finger tips
Moved his long hair with care
Some one pelt a stone
But the demon moved not
Many stones came after
Hands grew stronger
The demon in the air revolved
Because his head was inside a rope
In a circle he already left...for his uncloaking....
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Lone wolf...
In the valley he was alone...
A glaring pair of eyes,
Wandered the solitudes of the valley.
He was scary
As he was a wolf
With fiery canine
With bloody, panting tongue
Glowing eyes in the dark
And his gruesome howling art...
He was a scary thing
As he was a wolf....
And he was alone...
Long and deep valley echoed his howling...
Beautiful purple flowers made him sick of solitude...
Indelible reminiscence of a dream made him stray...
Thrashing the river side flowers...
Breaking the silence of night...
His ears were erected forever...
He never misses a whisper...
So he was prone to the cursing of woods...
And he was desperate to find some love...
But nothing came along...
Nothing but cricket’s fracas...
Nothing but obdurate rains.
The one day...
She came down from the mountains
Like fire in the hands of Prometheus...
In red glowing frock
In the midst of purple flower bed
She was like they say...
An angel from the skies...
Her green eyes were deep...
Her lips reminded red berries of the valley
When she drunk from the silent sage river...
Her reflection sped his current...
Oh! She was beauty...
Her dulcet songs castigated his solitudes
Laying head on his paws
Concealing his claws...
He gazed at the village girl for hours...
She came down to pick flowers...
Some gods like this purple flowers
If gods could talk to her
They would have demanded this girl, he thought.
Irony! It is...
Even gods can’t have the best!!!
But she descended to his heart...
May be she came down to heal,
To heal his pains
To heal his solitudes...
She is human!!!
Wolf closed his eyes,
Love cares no such thing...
She inured coming to the innocuous valley...
Laying his head on paws
Concealing his claws of love
The wolf gazed her for hours...
He knew she too was weary of silence
He knew she would scare a lot when it brakes...
As I said...
He thought...
Love cares no such thing...
It comes...
It flows
It blends thy eyes and conscious
It blends thy heart and intellect
It fills thy vacuum
It sucks thy self inside...
As he was a wolf
He was scary...
But he dared to incise his veil
His painful composure languished...
He had much to sing...
His itinerant search for her
His hearts somber laments to her...
All god gave him was a fiery howl!
As he was a wolf he scared the little girl...
She slipped in to the deep river current...
Her eyes were filled with fear
Her hands were full of purple flowers
And her frock was wet and heavy
Like a moon stone in silk thrown to a wishing well
She submerged with out a cry...
Her eyes glowed as she went down the deep!!
She whispered something no one heard!
All was so fast...
Like the obdurate rain which came down...
Wolf was staring at the river...
Its depths remained calm...
So calm...
Raindrops washed his fur
It washed down his tears
As it always does...
Again the valley wore it barren face...
So barren like his heart...
He retreated to the deep woods...
His laments lay in a song...
A song that no one heard
As he was a wolf
He was scary ,like his heart...
Night came with an absent moon.
Wolf saw torches descending the mountains
Like furious Zeus descends for his fire...
He ran so fast....
And when he stopped he woke the purple flowers...
They loomed at his eyes...
They were wet.
There he lay...
With his head on the paws
Revealing his claws
Revealing his love...
Voices came near...
He saw the green eyes in the dark river...
They were too wet...
And they were expecting him...
Aneesh k.m(1/1/2010)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
This is what ma hands scribed down when I spected my wet weepy thoughts, . Yes they are just words….but are they??...words can speak more when your heart abandons…so do I …words r de winds dat sails ur stigmas around the ignoring world…yes like I said…I don’t know weather my search will end in Eden. Don’t even think this as an ‘angler’s dream’…honestly… I share when you keep this in your heart…J…
Dear I have nothing to offer
But silly words…
Just keep this in your heart…
Why do you care?
Just keep it in your heart…
You are hurting me so hard
Never pretend you are not...
I know when you smile,
When you sob and roar
I know am hurt...
So why don’t you keep it in blank…
They prick me to bleed...
In blood I see thee
They curse me to hell...
In hell I heard thy laughter
They told me to forget...
In my thoughts, I see my face
I do care…
But I can keep this in heart…
My heart is deep
Like your rainy prejudices
My heart is wet…
Like your beautiful cheeks…
Dear …
Why do you care?
Just keep this in your heart
My love is my lust…
I can hold it till it bursts…
But remember
You will never know my lust...
B’coz I never love so real…
(I am the fiery heart…J JJ)
I can keep it in heart...
For I hate revelations.
For I hate being nude...
When I really think of you
So I keep my heart close...
Yet you care...
And you hurt...
Dear …
Why do you care!!!
Just keep this in your heart...
You know how I love…
My love is my lust…
Please don’t care…
Aneesh k.m
He follows…
Every pebble opposes his way
Every wind disposes his signs
Rain makes it sure
That no one finds him ever…
Yet …
He follows…
He knew no one comes after…
He knew the solitudes ahead…
When the church bells rang
He wept…
She has gone a long way…
Distances she keeps too much
From his heart which loves the most…
She had chosen…
The choices were many
He was the most disgusting gift
He never gilts in light
Ever weights in balance
He expects her fingertips…
What an irony…!
The dream of a bad dreamer…!!
In the cart he follows
She walks ahead in glee
But he couldn’t reach her ears...
He knew…
He knew she never listens
He knew she fails to envisage...
She says she can’t interpret.
God, his words were never ambiguous…
They conveyed the open love...
She tried to interpret...
He knew she never could
Yet…he follows…
Tail end
I saw him down the road
He wasn’t gloomy
But didn’t smile
Why you follow an engaged lap…?
I asked
Why do you write from the same mind???
He panted…
I let the horse loose…
He wasn’t gloomy but smiled not…
He follows…
He may not smile
When ever we feel lonesome it’s a matter of time…a wind comes along..
The road is dark and bare…
Spreads like a big fat python...
Cactus grown sand was hot
It hurts every point of flesh…
Glances die in distances
Oases did the same in imagination…
Smell of burning skins
Creeps inside the nose…
Steps flickers like some curious dance steps…
Drops of tears suicides in the glowing sand…
No one around here!!
Here comes a dry wind…
Disturbing the lonely sands…
A thought comes along with it…
Thought of falling back…
Thought of fear and failure…
There she is..!
In the peepal shade,
Mourns and laughs
In the same emotion...!
I can hear.
But I hate doing it again…
I was late as ever
And she left without a sign…
I stand in the shade…
Leaves are pouring
Like it is some weepy winter
But am feeling hot…
Another dry wind…
I am in the midst of people…
They want to know, what I do know…
But they won’t know what I do know…!!!
They are too small to climb my songs…
So they curse
With flamed words…
Future burns....
It’s hot every where…
Another dry wind….
I am in the hilltop…
Depths call me to leap…
A leap to freedom…
A leap to nothingness
Or fusion to every thing…
She came panting
Her words were fuming…
Even at this height I feel hot…
Another dry wind…
Am in the sands…
Tied down anyway…!
I saw she run...
She runs scattering the sands…
At some distance she turned…
She had everything but a face…!
Her sand face glows in the sun!!!
I feel lightening cold…
Road is barren now!!!
I am free and no sign of the sand girl…
But I could see a red scarf…
That is a long distance…
Across the wayside
Across the sands…
There is no dry wind now…
And I am not expecting one…!!!
But I must follow her…
And I will!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Nomadic dreams were beautiful
So enchanting as a tale
Which lacks an end and beginningAnd full of pursuit plays..
Let it be
Let it be my last wish
To be in a jungle of such dreams
To play a wandering deaf singer!
But I am so coward
More like you.
I too fear the loneliness
In the jungle, I wish to built..
So I hung up my elegies
In the most ugly words and ink
Come thee, critique heart
Please judge me wrong and hard
I want your words spill,
The blood and marrow of my dreams
I want you be in the milestone
Where I may turn back
Where I may retreat,
To the very door ajar
Through which I came
The door of my imagination…
Come thee critique heart
Pleas are for your pleasure,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Nomadic dreams were beautiful
So enchanting as a tale
Which lacks an end and beginning
And full of pursuit plays..
Let it be
Let it be my last wish
To be in a jungle of such dreams
To play a wandering deaf singer!
But I am so coward
More like you.
I too fear the loneliness
In the jungle, I wish to built..
So I hung up my elegies
In the most ugly words and ink
Come thee, critique heart
Please judge me wrong and hard
I want your words spill,
The blood and marrow of my dreams
I want you be in the milestone
Where I may turn back
Where I may retreat,
To the very door ajar
Through which I came
The door of my imagination…
Come thee critique heart
Pleas are for your pleasure,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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